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Marijuana Harmless? Think Again
Youth & Caring Adults (English/Spanish)

Youth and their guardian learn about the harmful effects of Marijuana for adolescents, healthy coping skills, and resistance strategies.

Estimated time required: 1 hr

You Choose
Youth (English)

Youth learn about the harmful effects of vaping and the dangers of fentanyl, resistance strategies, and Arizona’s Good Samaritan Law.

Estimated time required: 1.5 hrs

Marijuana 360
Adults (English)

Adults learn about current trends of marijuana and its concentrates, and important strategies in preventing marijuana use with youth while their brain is developing.

Estimated time required: 1.5 hrs

Prescription Drugs

The Rise of Fentanyl
Youth & Parents (English/Spanish)

Participants learn about Fentanyl and how it is affecting youth, the signs of an overdose, and how to save a life with nolaxone.

Estimated time required: 1.5 hrs

Naloxone & Overdose Training
Youth & Parents (English/Spanish)

Participants learn the signs of an overdose and how Naloxone can save a life, the Good Samaritan law and how it protects people in the state of Arizona.

Estimated time required: 1.5 hrs


Youth & Parents (English/Spanish)

Participants learn about the effects of alcohol on a developing brain, DUIs, alcohol poisoning, and the social host ordinance.

Estimated time required: 1 hr

Text Talk Act

Youth (English)

Youth will learn the importance of mental health using the technology of their cell phones to guide small group discussions about mental health stigmas and identifying supports in their life.

Estimated time required: 1 hr

Social Media & Cyberbullying

Adults (English)

Participants will learn how teens are using social media today. Participants will identify the dangers of social media and how to keep teens safe as well as deciphering the secret language teens use online.

Estimated time requirement: 1.5 hrs

Presentation Skills

Youth (English)

Youth learn key aspects that go into a good presentation. Participants go over getting the right sound, spacing, emphasizing words, speed, stretching words, and pitch.

Estimated time required: 1 hr

Healthy Relationships

Youth (English)

Healthy Relationships help teens navigate their everyday relationships from dating to family and friends. Participants also learn how to identify the signs of healthy, unhealthy, and abusive relationships and how to set healthy boundaries. This workshop can also cover the topic of consent in an age-appropriate manner.

Estimated time required: 1 hr

Healthy Minds, Healthy Futures

Youth & Adults (English/Spanish)

Participants will identify warning signs of struggling mental health, self-care strategies and how to support oneself and others. Adults will also learn to be askable adults.

Estimated time required: 2 hrs

Healthy Stress Management

Youth & Parents (English)

Participants will learn to reduce stress from daily challenges and prevent crises. A group breathing exercise is conducted, offering participants a chance to achieve relaxation of both mind and body.

Estimated time required: 1 hr

QPR: Question, Persuade, Refer

Youth & Adults (English/Spanish)

As a QPR-trained Gatekeeper participants will learn how to recognize the warning signs of suicide, know how to offer hope and know how to get help and save a life.

Estimated time required: 2 hrs

Want to schedule a workshop with us?

Fill out the form below and we will get in touch with you!

You can also download a pdf of all our workshops listed here.


Social Host Law

To remind the community via videos and written materials that hosting an event where people under 21 consume alcohol is against the law.

Prescription Medications

We remind the community via videos and local events that prescription drugs should be under lock, discarded properly, and never flushed down the toilet.

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