Join LPKNC in preventing substance abuse in Tucson. By joining our coalition you will get invited to our monthly meetings, where we plan activities and campaigns that make our community a brighter place to live.
The LPKNC coalition would like to be composed of parents, teachers, law enforcement, businesses, religious leaders, health providers and other community activists who are mobilizing at the local level to make the Southside Tucson community safer, healthier and drug-free.
Coalition Commitees
The LPKNC coalition has three subcommittee groups that members are encouraged to join. Each subcommittee meets briefly during coalition meetings and spends time outside of monthly meetings to further plan, or host events and workshops.
Alcohol Prevention Committee
Hosts workshops for parents on how to talk to their children about underage alcohol use and creates alcohol prevention campaigns.
Email michelle@lpknc.org for more information.

Community Champions Gala
Plans the annual Community Champions Gala. It is a formal event to honor youth and community members who have made a positive impact in reducing youth substance use.
Email heaven@lpknc.org for more information.

Youth Summit Committee
Plans the annual Youth Summit for Southside students. The Youth Summit focuses on leadership and substance misuse and abuse prevention. The purpose of the Youth Summit is to offer youth groups skills and knowledge to help them as individuals and a group to be productive to help our southside community remain strong and positive.
Email gaby@lpknc.org for more information.

Coalition Partners